What is the National Coastal Resilience Fund?
The National Coastal Resilience Fund is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NWFW). The goal is to reduce coastal flooding hazards with natural solutions. You can find out more about this grant program here.
What is the purpose of the proposal?
There are three work elements:
• Hydraulic modeling to predict the impacts of a surface connection of the marsh to Puget Sound, removing some or all of the Unocal fill, adding SR-104 stormwater to the marsh, and sea-level rise on flooding in Edmonds
• Evaluating the impact that hydrocarbon-polluted soil and groundwater would have on restoration
• Describing a process that will allow Edmonds to make decisions about the future of the marsh
Who is writing the proposal?
Citizen volunteers have drafted both the pre-proposal and the full proposal. A team of environmental scientists, engineers, and community planners have provided support. The City of Edmonds Public Works department is reviewing the proposal and will submit it.
How will the project work get done?
The City of Edmonds will hire an environmental services contractor to complete the work tasks and write reports. Volunteers will contribute labor to the contractor.
Will the City of Edmonds be responsible for matching funds?
No cash contribution will be required from the city; their contribution will be staff time. A private donor has stepped up to cover the cash matching fund.
Are there other matching funds?
Yes, citizen donors will be contributing a significant amount of cash. Also, volunteer labor will be counted as matching funds.
How much will the grant be for?
$135,000 will be requested of the NWFW, and there will be $80,000 in matching funds.
What is the grant timeline?
The final proposal is due June 28, and grant award announcements will be made in November.
Where can I find the pre-proposal?
You can read the pre-proposal statement here.